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Showing posts from April 11, 2009

Goddess Javalajjihva – Jawala Jihva

Goddess Javalajjihva or Jwala Jihva is a form of Goddess Durga which was responsible for the annihilation of Demon Raktabija. She is called Javalajjihva because in her heights of fury she opens her mouth to reveal a tongue which is in flames. It must be noted here that Javala Jihva is also one among the 108 names of Lord Narasimha, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Information of Goddess Javalajjihva is very rare as she is one of the lesser known forms of Goddess Durga. Goddess Javalajjihva is depicted as four armed and she carries sword and other weapons associated with Goddess Durga. The color of her body is red and she has serpents coiled around her body. She rides a tiger.

Vishu Messages and Quotes – Kerala New Year Greetings

This is a collection of Vishu quotes and messages that I have read, received and some which I have sent. Vishu is the Zodiac Malayalam New Year in Kerala. Sending and wishing Vishu Ashamsagal to friends and relatives is a major highlight of the day. Vishu stands for new and fresh – Life is always new and fresh – Let us strive to make all days Vishu. Let us welcome this Vishu with great hope, eagerness and anticipation. Let us look forward to a plentiful year of joy, satisfaction, peace and prosperity. This is a time of new beginnings and for the celebration of life – Happy Vishu Let this Vishu bring peace and prosperity in the lives of all. Let us vow to take life in our stride this Vishu and make it tolerable as well as beautiful by accepting sorrow and happiness with sanity. May this Vishu be a good one for all of us. Happy Vishu! Wish you a happy and prosperous year with love, peace, hope and joy for the year ahead. Let this Vishu usher in a Good and Sweet Year, both materiall