In Hinduism, the sacred thread, known as the yajnopavita, holds significant religious and cultural importance, especially for men of the dvija group who have undergone the upanayana sacrament. There are three distinct ways of wearing the yajnopavita, each with its own significance and appropriate occasions:
Upavita: This is the most common way of wearing the sacred
thread. In this mode, the thread is draped over the left shoulder and hangs
diagonally across the torso, with the loose end resting below the right arm. It
is worn in this manner for everyday activities and is considered the standard
way for men to display their adherence to their religious duties.
Pracinavita: In contrast to the upavita, the pracinavita
mode involves draping the sacred thread over the right shoulder, with the loose
end hanging below the left arm. This mode is specifically employed during rites
and ceremonies dedicated to ancestors, such as shraddha or obsequial
ceremonies. It symbolizes reverence and homage paid to one's forefathers.
Nivita: The nivita mode is characterized by wearing the sacred thread like a necklace or garland around the neck, ensuring that it is
positioned above the navel. This mode is employed in rituals and ceremonies
related to specific aspects of human life, such as offering oblations to sages
(rishitarpaaa), performing sacraments for one's children, or carrying the
deceased during funeral rites. It signifies a different focus on the
ritualistic context, often emphasizing the connection to human relationships
and the cycle of life and death.
Each mode of wearing the yajnopavita carries its own
symbolism and is used accordingly in various religious and ceremonial contexts
within Hindu tradition, reflecting the multifaceted nature of Hindu rituals and
the cultural diversity within the religion.