Upanayana is a sacred ceremony in Hinduism by which a boy or
girl between the ages of seven and sixteen is initiated into the spiritual
world. Upanayana literally means ‘providing an additional eye’ – upa means
additional and nayana means eye of spiritual knowledge and wisdom. The term
also means leading the disciple to the Guru (upa – means near and nayana means
leading.) Symbolic symbol of Upanayana is the wearing of yajnopavita or sacred
Yajnopavita or sacred thread is believed to have worn by
the creator. There is no reference to it in the Grahyasutras. Bal Gangadhar
Tilak has stated that it is remnant of the cloth worn by Prajapati.
Not all Hindus perform Upanayanam. Numerous Hindu communities and sects do not perform the sacred thread ceremony. Like all rituals in Hindu religion this one is also not mandatory.
Those who wear the sacred thread are known as twice born. When a child starts his
spiritual education by learning the Vedas, the child is getting a new life.
Guru – Selection of the Preceptor of Upanayana
All mantras during the Upanayana ritual should be chanted by
a learned preceptor. The most important aspect of an Upanayana ritual is the
selection of the preceptor.
The preceptor, who performs the upanayana rites of a pupil, accepts him in his heart, as mother takes the child in her womb (Atharva Veda)The Guru – Shishya relation is of great importance.
There is no pointing in conducting the ritual, if one is not
able to identify a good preceptor.
The Guru should be able to show the divine light.
He should be able to explain the importance of the each step
of the ritual and the meaning of the mantra.
Upanayanam Rituals and Pujas
Important pujas and rituals before Upanayana include puja
and ritual worship of Ganesha and Gauri (Goddess Parvati).
All gods are invoked in a pitcher-full of water, which has
various specimens of herbs and soils in it.
The pot is covered with leaves from milky trees.
Assorted grains and rice is place on top of the leaves.
Offerings are also made to the Mother Goddess, navagrahas,
presiding deities of ten directions, family deity, god of the house and the
main deity of the locality.
Offerings are also made to all departed souls in the family.
Swasti Vachana and Punyaha Vachanam are recited on the occasion.
How to Perform Upanayana Ritual?
Tonsure of the brahmacharin.
Ritual bath.
New cloth is wrapped around the body by the preceptor and he
chants a mantra. The mantra invokes Brhaspati and Indra. It is chanted for
strength, long life and luster.
Next a girdle is put around the waist of the Brahmacharin.
It is to ward off all evil and to give strength to fight temptations and the
The sacred thread is circled around the right shoulder and the
left side of the waist of the Brahmacharin. Mantra is chanted invoking the
A sanctified stick is placed in the hand of the Brahmacharin.
It is to be carried for long meaningful life.
The acharya or the one who is conducting the ritual chants
numerous mantras in the ear of the Brahmacharin. The most important among them
is the chanting of the Gayatri Mantra three times in the ear of Brahmacharin.
Next palasa wood soaked in ghee is offered to the sanctified
fire three times. Three different mantras dedicated to Agni are chanted on the occasion.
Brahmacharya Ashrama
The Brahmacharin then starts daily rituals. First he goes
begging for alms. He first approaches the mother, who is the first giver. He
then begs alms from relatives and family friends and people of the region.
The rite also initiates a Hindu into the first stage of life
– Brahmacharya Ashrama. This stage
of life is conditioned by austerity and purity of the internal and external
life. Attaining knowledge of That and self realization is the goal of
Brahmacharya Ashrama.
The sacred thread is annually changed in the month of
Shravan (August – September) - the Upakarma ceremony - Avani Avittam ritual. The followers of each Veda has a separate date
and separate set of mantras. There is also the annual Gayatri Japa Sankalpam.