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Showing posts from April 24, 2017

Significance of Akshaya Tritiya

Every moment is auspicious on the Akshaya Tritiya day, which falls on the third day of the bright half of Hindu month Vaishakh. ‘Akshaya’ in Sanskrit means ‘that which never diminishes.’ It is also the birthday of Parashurama, Lord Vishnu’s Sixth incarnation. In 2025, Akshaya Tritiya is on April 30. Today, Akshaya Tritiya has become the ‘ Hindu gold rush ’ day. Astrologically, it is believed that the sun and the moon are most radiant and best placed on the Askhaya Tritiya day. Many devout Hindus choose the day to conduct auspicious functions. There is no need to select a ‘muhurat’ on this day as the entire day is devoid of malefic influences. Large number of marriages and several new beginnings take place on the day. There are numerous legends associated with Akshaya Tritiya. According to the Puranas, the day marks the beginning to Treta Yuga. On this day, Veda Vyasa began the composition of the Mahabharata. Another myth is that Kuchela visited Lord Krishna on this day.

King Janaka In Hindu Scriptures And Ramayana

King Janaka is a philosopher king mentioned in Hindu scriptures. He is the foster-father of Sita in the Ramayana. But all these Janaka are not the same. ‘Janak’ means ‘pitha’ or ‘father’ or ‘fatherly figure’ and those dutiful rules who won the heart of his subjects were called as Janak. Thus, Janaka is a term used in Hindu scriptures to refer to an ideal monarch – an ascetic king – rajarishi. King Janaka was liberated though he lived amongst passions. He had immense properties and wealth, position and power. He had everything, but he was calm. ( Swami Satyananda Saraswati 1923 – 2009 ) As per Satapatha Brahmana, Janaka was the name assumed by the kings of Videha Kingdom. King Janaka in Brhadaranyaka Upanishad Brhadaranyaka Upanishad mentions about a King Janaka performing a yajna involving gifts to find out the greatest philosopher in the land. He offered a thousand cows with ten pieces of gold tied to the horns of each cow and informed the assembly that the greatest phi