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Showing posts from September, 2014

Thandu Mariamman Kovil Timings – Opening and Closing Time at Dhandumariamman Temple in Coimbatore

Dhandumariamman Temple in Coimbatore is dedicated to Mother Goddess Mariamman. The temple timings are given below in detail. Opening and Closing Time at Thandu Mariamman Kovil might change during festival, important rituals and during Grahan – lunar and solar eclipse. Opening and Closing Time at Thandu Mariamman Kovil Morning hours – 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM Evening hours – 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM  Important Pujas in a day Kaala Santhi – 8:00 AM Uchie Kalam – 12:00 PM Saya Rachai – 6:30 PM Artha Jamam – 8:30 PM

How To Worship Budha Graha In Hinduism - A Comprehensive Guide

Comprehensive Guide to Worshipping Budha Graha in Hinduism Budha Graha (Mercury) represents intellect, communication, and business acumen in Hindu astrology. Worshipping Budha Graha can bring wisdom, improve speech, resolve issues related to communication, and enhance analytical thinking. The planet is also associated with learning, creativity, and financial prosperity. This guide will help you perform an eco-friendly and traditional Budha Graha puja in a simple, meaningful way. The steps include preparation, mantras, puja rituals, and prasad, while keeping in mind the importance of cleanliness, sustainability, and reverence. 1. Cleanliness and Preparation Purification : Take a bath early in the morning to purify your body. Wear clean, preferably new clothes (or clothes washed and reserved for the puja). Clean the Space : Choose a clean, quiet area in your home, preferably in the northeast corner, to perform the puja. Mop the floor with water mixed with turmeric and water or holy water...

Belur Temple Timings – Opening and closing Darshan Time at Belur Chennakeshava Temple

Dedicated to Hindu God Vishnu, the Belur Chennakeshava Temple houses Chaturbhuja Vishnu who is popular here as Chenna Keshava – the handsome god. Detail Belur Timings is given below. Please note that the opening and closing darshan time will be extended especially during the car festival in March – April. The darshan time will be short when there will be grahan – lunar or solar eclipse. Belur Temple Timings Morning hours Darshan Time is from 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM Evening hours Darshan Time is from 2:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Thandu Mariamman Kovil Contact Address with Phone number – Location Map of Dhandumariamman Temple in Coimbatore

Dhandumariamman Temple in Coimbatore is dedicated to Mother Goddess Mariamman. The temple location, contact address with phone number is given below. Thandu Mariamman Kovil is one of the popular shrines in the city and is more than 300 years old. Thandu Mariamman Kovil Contact Address: Arulmigu Dhandumariamman Temple , Avinashi Road , Coimbatore - 641018 Phone  : 0422 - 2300360 E-Mail   : dhandumari@bsnl.in

The Sixteen Samskars in Hinduism in Hindi with meaning in English

The sixteen Samskaras (sacraments) in Hinduism, also known as "Shodasha Samskaras," are important rites of passage that mark significant milestones in an individual's life journey. Here they are listed in Hindi along with their English meanings: गर्भाधान (Garbhadhana) - Conception पुंसवन (Pumsavana) - Ensuring male progeny सीमन्तोन्नयन (Simantonnayana) - Parting of hair or baby shower जातकर्म (Jatakarma) - Birth ceremony नामकरण (Namakarana) - Naming ceremony निष्क्रमण (Nishkramana) - First outing अन्नप्राशन (Annaprashana) - First feeding of solid food चौल (Chudakarana) - Tonsure or head-shaving कर्णवेध (Karnavedha) - Ear-piercing ceremony उपनयन (Upanayana) - Sacred thread ceremony वेदारम्भ (Vedarambha) - Commencement of Vedic studies समावर्तन (Samavartana) - Graduation from Vedic studies विवाह (Vivaha) - Marriage वनप्रस्थ (Vanaprastha) - Retirement संन्यास (Sannyasa) - Renunciation अन्त्येष्टि (Antyeshti) - Last rites or funeral ...

Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra Tarabalam – Good Tarabalam for Uttara Phalguni Birth Star Born People

Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra (birth star) born people will have good Tarabalam generally with following Nakshatra born people: Uttara Phalguni Tarabalam is used for looking marriage compatibility, business partnership and other deals. Uttaraphalguni Good Nakshatra Tarabalam with: Ashwini Bharani Nakshtra Rohini Arudra Aslesha Magha Nakshtra Purvaphalguni Hasta Swati Jyeshta Nakshtra Moola Nakshtra Purvashada Sravanam Shatabhisha Revati Nakshtra Please note that this is only a general list. Please note that in some regions Tarabalam is calculated daily based on the day’s Nakshatra. In such cases the general list should be ignored.

Darpan during Durga Puja – Mirror offered to Goddess Durga during Pooja

Puranas and Hindu Holy Scriptures are filled with instructions regarding various aspects of Durga Puja. On the third day of the puja – the third day from Mahalaya – a mirror, vermilion and thin cotton dipped in dye are offered. Usually only a silver coated looking glass is offered as a mirror. But in some instances Darpan – a speculum mirror is also offered. The darpan mirror is used while bathing the murti of Goddess Durga – whenever there is a ritual bathing of Goddess Durga, it is the reflection on the darpan mirror that is bathed not the original murti. The darpan is also immersed in a pot of water on the morning of Dasami day when the murtis bid farewell. It must be noted that many Puranas talk about pujas and rituals that are performed from the Mahalaya day to Dasami day but most of them are not followed today. Today the puja only starts from the sixth day after Mahalaya and the important days are seventh, eighth and ninth. 

How To Overcome Entomophobia – Hinduism Solutions And Practical Approaches

Overcoming Entomophobia with Hinduism Solutions and Practical Approaches Entomophobia, or the fear of insects, can be deeply distressing and disruptive to daily life. Hinduism offers a wide array of spiritual tools, including mantras, worship of specific deities, and philosophies that help individuals confront and overcome their fears. In addition to spiritual remedies, practical steps can help manage and gradually diminish the fear. 1. Mantras for Overcoming Fear Mantras carry spiritual power and vibrations that can calm the mind, bring clarity, and offer protection. Here are some powerful mantras connected to deities that symbolize strength, protection, and fearlessness. Mantra of Kali Kali, the fierce form of the goddess, is often invoked to help dispel fears, negativity, and internal weaknesses. She symbolizes destruction of evil and the courage to face the unknown. Kali Mantra : "॥ ॐ क्रीं कालिकायै नमः ॥" (Om Krim Kalikayai Namah) This mantra helps to build inner strengt...

How To Overcome Emotional Weakness – Hinduism Solutions And Practical Approaches

Overcoming Emotional Weakness in Hinduism: Solutions, Practical Approaches, and Scriptural Guidance Emotional weakness can manifest as anxiety, stress, fear, anger, or feelings of inadequacy. Hinduism provides various practical and spiritual approaches to strengthen the mind and overcome emotional challenges. By connecting with divine energies through mantras, prayers, and stories, individuals can gain inner strength, mental clarity, and emotional resilience. Here’s a detailed guide including mantras, deities, quotes from scriptures, and practical daily actions: 1. Understanding Emotional Weakness in Hinduism In Hindu philosophy, emotional strength comes from balancing the mind (manas), intellect (buddhi), and ego (ahamkara). Emotional weakness is often due to an imbalance in the mind, influenced by the trigunas (three qualities): Sattva (purity), Rajas (activity), and Tamas (inertia). Key Principles to Overcome Emotional Weakness: Self-Awareness (Atma Bodha): Recognizing the nature o...

How To Overcome Eldest Daughter Syndrome – Hinduism Solutions And Practical Approaches

Eldest Daughter Syndrome refers to the emotional, physical, and psychological burdens that the eldest daughter in a family often carries, such as extra responsibilities, caregiving, and societal expectations. In Hindu families, the eldest daughter is often expected to take on a nurturing, self-sacrificial role, which can lead to emotional burnout, stress, and identity conflicts. While these responsibilities can be a source of strength, they may also lead to feelings of being overwhelmed or unappreciated. In Hinduism, there are various teachings, mantras, and divine forces that offer guidance, strength, and balance to help overcome this imbalance. Below, we discuss practical approaches rooted in Hindu wisdom, as well as stories, mantras, and the ideal deities to invoke for overcoming Eldest Daughter Syndrome. 1. Practical Day-to-Day Solutions Self-Care as a Spiritual Duty : Hinduism teaches the balance between "Dharma" (duty) and "Svadharma" (personal duty or self-c...

Goddess Kameshwari

Goddess Kameshwari is a manifestation of Mother Goddess Shakti. She is closely associated with the Goddess Lalitha form. She is the queen of love. When Mother Goddess is Kameshwari, Shiva becomes Kameshwara, the lord of desire who is ever youthful. Prayers, stories and worship of Goddess are mentioned in the Brahmanda Purana. In some scriptures, Goddess Kameshwari is equated with Goddess Kamakshi. There is a legend which states that once Brahma performed intense tapas to please Mother Goddess. She is said to have appeared before. Brahma called Her Kameshwari because her eyes were brimming with love for humanity. Some scholars are of the view that Kameshwari is Kundalini – the psychic power coiled at the base of the spine as per yoga. Goddess Kameshwari form is mainly worshipped in Srinagar and Kanchipuram. Today, the true Sadhana of the Goddess is very rare and is mainly followed by rare Tantric followers.

Card Game Based on 108 Divyadesams

Srimaan Card Game is based on the 108 Divyadesams – the 108 temples dedicated to Bhagvan Srihari Vishnu in South India. The card game helps in understanding each Divya Desam and it also helps in identifying the Perumal and Nachiar worshipped in each shrine. The main aim of the card game is to create a spiritual atmosphere while playing and also help in gathering crucial knowledge regarding Vaishnavism. You can find more details about the game and how to buy it here at the Srimaan Trust Website.  It seems the game is no longer available in the website as the page has been removed.

How To Overcome Electronic Addiction – Hinduism Solutions And Practical Approaches

  Overcoming Electronic Addiction – Hinduism Solutions and Practical Approaches In the modern age, electronic addiction, which includes overuse of gadgets like smartphones, computers, and television, has become a pervasive issue. According to Hindu philosophy, such attachments can be considered obstacles (upadhis) that prevent spiritual progress and imbalance one's dharma (life duties). Hinduism offers practical approaches through rituals, mantras, meditation, and devotion to help overcome such addictions and restore balance. Here’s an expanded look at solutions, including stories, mantras, quotes from scriptures, and practical day-to-day approaches to overcoming electronic addiction. 1. Awareness and Self-Discipline (Tapas) Hinduism places a strong emphasis on tapas or self-discipline. In this context, overcoming electronic addiction can be viewed as a form of tapas where self-control and discipline are required. Daily discipline practices can help a person become more mindful o...

Boyakonda Gangagamma – Goddess Durga Temple on top of Boyakonda hill Near Punganur in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh

Goddess Durga Temple located on top of Boyakonda hill Near Punganur in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh is a famous shrine in the region. The murti worshipped here is famous as Boyakonda Gangagamma and the temple which is around 60 km from Chittoor is visited by thousands of people. Legend has it that Goddess Durga appeared here in the form of an old woman to protect the tribes of the region and defeat the forces of a greedy Nawab. The tribal people who lived in the region were constantly harassed by the army of the Nawab. The escape from the violence, the tribal people propitiated Goddess Durga in the form of Jaganmatha. The tribal people got the darshan of Goddess in the form of an old woman. She then took a ferocious form and annihilated the army of the Nawab. The sword used by the goddess in the battle fell on a rock atop the Boyakonda hill and it cracked. It is today worshipped and seen as a living testimony of the divine power of Maa Durga. Navratri – D...

Saptamatrikas – Seven Divine Mothers – Saptamatris

In Hinduism, Saptamatrikas are the seven divine mothers and is often associated with Shiva and Shakti. The Saptamatrikas are Brahmani, Vaishnavi, Maheshwari, Kaumari, Varahi, Indrani and Chamundi. Stories about Sapta Matrikas are found in the Varaha Purana, Kurma Purana and the Mahabharata. Yogeshwari, a Shakti created by Shiva, is also mentioned among the Saptamatris and then the count becomes eight. Saptamatrikas are among the numerous incarnations of Goddess Shakti. But their characteristics differ from region to region and from scriptures to scriptures. General belief is that the Saptamatrikas appeared to defeat the thousands of Anadhakas that were born from the blood of demon Andhaka.   Andhaka was actually the third son of Shiva. Lord Shiva injured demon Andhaka when he tried to take away Goddess Parvati. Andhaka had received a boon that a single drop of blood spilled from his body will create thousands of Andhakas. So when Shiva injured Andhaka thousands of An...

How To Overcome Elevation Sickness – Hinduism Solutions And Practical Approaches

Overcoming Elevation Sickness in Hinduism: Spiritual Solutions and Practical Approaches Elevation sickness, or altitude sickness, occurs when one ascends to high altitudes quickly, resulting in dizziness, nausea, headaches, and fatigue due to a lack of oxygen. In Hinduism, there are spiritual methods, prayers, and mantras that can be invoked for healing and overcoming physical ailments. By combining these spiritual approaches with practical day-to-day solutions, one can holistically tackle elevation sickness. Below are various Hindu practices, mantras, and deities associated with health, protection, and overcoming obstacles, as well as practical suggestions for dealing with this condition. 1. Mantras and Worship Several deities and their associated mantras are traditionally invoked for health, strength, and protection, making them suitable for overcoming the physical and mental challenges posed by elevation sickness. Lord Hanuman: The Embodiment of Strength and Vitality Lord Hanuman, a...

Kalash Sthapana Mantra – Prayer While Keeping Navratri Pot - Navratri Ghatasthapana Mantra

Navratri Kalash Sthapana Mantra is chanted by those people who keep the Navratri pot as part of the nine day puja. The prayer given below is in Hindi. The ritual is also known as Ghatasthapana Mantra. The lamp lit during Kalash Sthapana should use ghee as medium not oil. If you are opting for a full prayer then you should perform the 16-step puja. A simple Kalash Sthapana Mantra is ऊँ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डाय विच्चे  This mantra can be chanted while arranging and keeping the kalash etc for puja. Kalash Sthapana Mantra Apart from the above mantra one should also chant Durga Saptashloki In Kalash Sthapana, a pot or kalash with an image of Goddess Durga is installed in the house on the day. The pot or kalash is filled with water and is covered with cow dung and seeds (like barely or wheat) are sown on the dung. The pot is kept on a sand bed and seeds are sown on this too. Special pujas are conducted on the pot and water is sprinkled daily....

Matunga Temple – Marubai Gavdevi Temple

Marubai Gavdevi Temple located at Matunga in Mumbai is a 400-year-old shrine dedicated to Mother Goddess Shakti. The goddess worshipped here is known as Goddess Marubai. She is a combined manifestation of Goddess Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. Legend has it that the original murti of the Goddess Worshipped in temple appeared under a neem tree during the 18th century. The local villagers worshipped the deity and therefore the temple got the name Marubai Gavdevi. The local villagers who used to worship the deity believed that she had the capacity to heal people. That's why she is called Marubai, because she saves people from various illnesses. It is said that during epidemics people drank the water used for abhishekam in the temple and used to get cured. Navratri is the most important festival observed in the temple. Daily morning routine includes Aarti and Abhisheks. Bhajans are organized during the afternoon. Daily evening aarti also attracts thousands of d...

Significance of Navratri

The nine-day festival symbolically represents the victory of good over evil – Goddess Durga slaying Demon Mahishasura and Lord Rama killing Ravana - this is the main significance of Navratri. This same struggle is constantly taking place in human hearts and the nine-day Navratri Vrat gradually prepares a devotee to shed evil and merge with the Brahman - Supreme Truth or God. Like Mahishasura, the human mind armed with ego, anger, greed, lust and envy negate the Supreme Truth. The nine-day Navratri vrat slowly annihilates the Mahishasura in us and help us to realize us that we are part of Brahman – the supreme spirit present in all animate and inanimate. The physical fight between Goddess Durga and the demon Mahishasura has its ups and downs. Goddess Durga fought Mahishasura and his army for nine days and nine nights. Similarly, in the fight against evil tendencies like ego, anger, lust and other animal instincts make us weak and a person too faces and downs. The destructive as...

How To Overcome Elevator Fear – Hinduism Solutions And Practical Approaches

 Overcoming elevator fear (or claustrophobia related to elevators) can be addressed using both practical approaches and spiritual methods inspired by Hinduism. Here’s an in-depth guide combining mantras, stories, Hindu scriptures, and day-to-day techniques to help alleviate this fear. 1. Understanding Fear through Hindu Philosophy In Hindu philosophy, fear is often seen as a result of ignorance (Avidya) or attachment (Raga), both of which can be overcome by developing wisdom (Jnana) and devotion (Bhakti). The fear of elevators can be viewed as a form of mental and emotional bondage, which can be reduced by understanding its root causes and using spiritual practices alongside practical approaches. 2. Practical Approaches to Overcome Elevator Fear Gradual Exposure: This is a psychological technique where you gradually expose yourself to elevators. Start by standing near an elevator or watching it without entering. Over time, progress to short elevator rides and then longer ones. Con...

On Hindu Temples Destroyed by Mughal Ruler Aurangazeb

The religious intolerance practiced by Mughal Ruler Aurangzeb is well known. The number of Hindu temples destroyed during his ruler is yet to be ascertained as the left historians who dominated the universities after independence and who also had a free hand in deciding the history of Hindustan conveniently tried to destroy all documents that could have helped in determining the atrocities committed by the Mughal rulers on the Hindus in Hindustan. Truth can be hidden for a small period of time but cannot be destroyed. Truth will come out one day. Slowly many Indian newspapers and magazines are attempting to unravel to what happened to Hindus during the rule of Mughal rulers like Aurangzeb. The New Indian Express writes  Aurangzeb, like his predecessors, was determined to reinforce and expand the might of the Mughal Empire to the farthest corners of Hindustan . His principal obsession was to live his life true to the guiding principles of the Sharia. But his ability to su...

How To Overcome Ekkillu – Hinduism Solutions And Practical Approaches

 In Hinduism, "Ekkillu" often refers to involuntary muscle twitches, tremors, or hiccups, which can sometimes be considered an indication of physical imbalance or an energetic disturbance. To overcome such conditions, traditional Hindu wisdom offers holistic solutions that incorporate physical remedies, spiritual practices, and mantras. Below are detailed approaches for overcoming "Ekkillu" with references to specific gods, mantras, scriptures, and practical day-to-day solutions. 1. Ayurvedic and Practical Remedies From a physical perspective, muscle twitches and disturbances like hiccups often relate to Vata dosha imbalances (air and space elements). Ayurveda provides numerous remedies: Hydration and Diet : Stay hydrated and consume warm, nourishing foods like soups and herbal teas (ginger or tulsi tea). These help in balancing the Vata dosha and reducing physical spasms. Massage (Abhyanga) : Regular oil massages using sesame oil or medicated oils help ground the b...

Story – Why Shiva Devotees Wear Matted Hair?

Shiva devotees (Aghoris, Tantrics, Naga Sadhus) have matted hair. There is story that happened during the reign of Daksha Prajapati which explains why Shiva devotees wear matted hair. A great yajna was performed once by sages at Prayag, the confluence of three rivers, Ganga , Yamuna and Saraswati. Shiva arrived at the yajna with Sati and all those assembled there stood up and paid obeisance to Mahadev and Mata Sati.  Shiva was seated with great honor. Soon, Daksha Prajapati arrived at the yajna and everyone stood up and paid respects to him out of fear. Daksha was arrogant due to his superior status in Vedic society. Shiva remained in his seat and did not acknowledge Daksha. Daksha Prajapati considered this as a mark of disrespect and angrily spoke in the yajna against Shiva. Daksha said that Shiva was uncultured and mannerless. He continued insulting Mahadev by stating that he did not expect anything more from his son-in-law whose attendants are goblins and ghosts ...