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The Sixteen Samskars in Hinduism in Hindi with meaning in English

The sixteen Samskaras (sacraments) in Hinduism, also known as "Shodasha Samskaras," are important rites of passage that mark significant milestones in an individual's life journey. Here they are listed in Hindi along with their English meanings:

  1. गर्भाधान (Garbhadhana) - Conception
  2. पुंसवन (Pumsavana) - Ensuring male progeny
  3. सीमन्तोन्नयन (Simantonnayana) - Parting of hair or baby shower
  4. जातकर्म (Jatakarma) - Birth ceremony
  5. नामकरण (Namakarana) - Naming ceremony
  6. निष्क्रमण (Nishkramana) - First outing
  7. अन्नप्राशन (Annaprashana) - First feeding of solid food
  8. चौल (Chudakarana) - Tonsure or head-shaving
  9. कर्णवेध (Karnavedha) - Ear-piercing ceremony
  10. उपनयन (Upanayana) - Sacred thread ceremony
  11. वेदारम्भ (Vedarambha) - Commencement of Vedic studies
  12. समावर्तन (Samavartana) - Graduation from Vedic studies
  13. विवाह (Vivaha) - Marriage
  14. वनप्रस्थ (Vanaprastha) - Retirement
  15. संन्यास (Sannyasa) - Renunciation
  16. अन्त्येष्टि (Antyeshti) - Last rites or funeral

These Samskaras are considered essential for the holistic development and spiritual progress of an individual in Hinduism.