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Showing posts from March 18, 2011

Blinded by Science – The Facts They Don’t Want Us To Know

Blinded by Science – The Facts They Don’t Want Us To Know is written by Matthew Silverstone and it provides amazing new ideas about so many unexplained phenomena, things that are talked about but not explained. Y The best thing about the book is that it makes you think. It makes you find your own answers to things that you never expected to figure out. The book just gets you started in discovering things that you had never considered before. From the flyer You probably know that around the world there are people that hug trees. Of course most of us think that it is just a hippy thing. But there is a science behind it – a simple fact, everything vibrates in the universe, molecules, water, everything. Combining this fact with the amazing properties of water, which he explained is a chameleon, it changes its vibration all of the time. He suggested that as the human body is made up of 70% of water and water is also found in trees… apparently the water vibration in the trees when you put y

Anasuya Jayanti

Anasuya Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Anasuya, mother of Sage Dattatreya, Durvasa and Chandra. Anasuya Jayanti 2025 date is April 16. She was the wife of Sage Atri and is believed to have helped Rama, Sita and Lakshman during their exile. Anasuya means one who is free from jealousy and envy. She is believed to have had miraculous powers. Anasuya Jayanti is observed Krishna Paksha tritiya or the third day of the waning phase of moon in Vaisakh month as per traditional Hindu calendar followed in North India .