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Showing posts from May 19, 2009

Book: The Essence of AUM

The Essence of AUM written by K A Francis attempts to explore the world of AUM. The author introduces the readers to discussions on AUM that had taken place in history and the words of saints and other scholars. The book also searches for the origin of the term and when it was first used and written down. But what is more interesting is the author’s own findings and interpretations and comparisons. The author quotes from various sources: The most noteworthy….. discussion between Swami Vivekananda and his disciple Saratchandra Chakraborty…...took place in Calcutta in 1897’. And a catechism materialises to expound the implication of Aum. Swami Vivekanada quoth – ‘Even before creation Brahma existed as sound. Then came Aum. Or Sonic. Later different pre-existing sounds like ‘bhu: Bhuva: Swa’. The book is a great introduction to ‘ OM ’ and offers food for thought. The Essence of AUM KA Francis Konark Publishers Rupees 125.00

Rabindranath Tagore Thoughts on Self

The self of mine that limits my truth within myself confines me to a narrow idea of my own personality. When through some great experience I transcend this boundary I find joy. The negative fact of the vanishing of the fences of self has nothing in itself that is delightful. But my joy proves that the disappearance of self brings me into touch with a great positive truth whose nature is infinitude. My love makes me understand that I gain a great truth when I realize myself in others, and therefore I am glad. This has been thus expressed in the Isopanishad – He who sees all creatures in himself, and himself in all creatures, no longer remains concealed. Rabindranath Tagore (Source: from the Forward by Rabindranath Tagore to The Philosophy of the Upanishads by S. Radhakrishnan) The quote - the negative fact of the vanishing ….nature is infinitude - reflects a philosophical perspective on the nature of self and its relationship to joy and truth. Let's break it down and expand on its i