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Showing posts from October 23, 2007

Sayings of Rameshbhai Oza

Life should be dynamic, full of movement, flowing endlessly like the mighty Ganges . Life's movement should be channeled in the right direction. Life becomes a burden for many people because it has lost its dynamism. For them life is not like a flowing river. It is a static, turbid puddle. Understand that action gives movement to life, knowledge gives it direction and devotion bestows the inspiration to life's journey. Rameshbhai Oza Rameshbhai Oza is internationally renowned for his discourse on Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita, and other Hindu scriptures. An explanation of above quote Life is often likened to the majestic flow of the Ganges, a river revered in Hindu culture for its spiritual significance and vitality. In this analogy, the essence of life lies in its dynamism—a constant state of movement and change, akin to the ceaseless current of the river. However, for many individuals, life loses this dynamism and becomes burdensome, lacking direction and purpose