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The Whole Universe Is As Unreal As Water In A Mirage – Hindu Teaching

The concept ‘whole Universe is as Unreal as Water in a Mirage’ is deeply rooted in Hindu philosophy and is often associated with the concept of Maya. Maya is the illusory nature of the world, according to Hindu teachings, as described in various Hindu scriptures such as the Vedas, Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita.

In Hindu philosophy, Maya is the cosmic illusion that veils the true nature of reality. It's the idea that the universe we perceive is not the ultimate reality but rather a fleeting and deceptive appearance. Just as water in a mirage appears real but is ultimately insubstantial and illusory, the material world is seen as transient and illusory in Hindu thought.

This concept is often used to emphasize the impermanence and fleeting nature of material existence. It suggests that attachment to worldly things leads to suffering because these things are ultimately unreal and subject to change.

The goal in Hindu spirituality is to transcend Maya and realize the ultimate truth or reality, which is often described as Brahman or Atman. Through practices such as meditation, self-inquiry, and devotion, individuals seek to transcend the illusions of Maya and attain spiritual liberation (moksha) by realizing their true nature as divine or interconnected with the ultimate reality.

So, when the statement says, "The whole universe is as unreal as water in a mirage," it's conveying the idea that the material world is illusory and ultimately not the true reality. It invites individuals to look beyond the surface of existence and seek a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and their place within it.