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Symbolism Of Pushan – Ancient Vedic Deity

Pushan, an ancient Vedic deity, holds significant symbolism in Hindu tradition, particularly in the Rig Veda. His chariot, pulled by rams, is laden with symbolic significance. This imagery is often interpreted as representing the Mesh Rashi or Ram constellation, which precedes the Revati constellation associated with Pushan. The appearance of these constellations just before sunrise during the Hindu New Year in the northern hemisphere's winter sky is creatively narrated through the myth of Pushan's chariot clearing the path for the sun god.

Ancient Hindus were pioneers in astronomy, and the depiction of Pushan's role reflects their understanding of celestial movements. Beyond this astronomical symbolism, Pushan embodies several important roles in Hindu tradition.

Firstly, Pushan is revered as the god of journeys and roads, essential for travelers and pilgrims. His chariot symbolizes constant movement, indicating his role in guiding and protecting travelers on their paths. This aspect of Pushan's character extends to his role as a psychopomp, guiding departed souls on their journey to the afterlife.

Furthermore, Pushan is also regarded as the god of meetings, which naturally aligns with his role as the god of journeys. Successful meetings often require successful journeys, underscoring Pushan's significance in facilitating connections and gatherings.

In addition to these roles, Pushan is associated with nourishment, reflecting the importance of the sun in sustaining life on Earth. As the deity responsible for healthy crops, pastures, and cattle, Pushan ensures the prosperity and sustenance of living beings. This association underscores the interconnection between celestial phenomena, earthly sustenance, and human welfare in Hindu cosmology.

Overall, the symbolism of Pushan encapsulates various aspects of Hindu cosmology, including celestial movements, journeying, guidance, sustenance, and interconnectedness, highlighting the depth and complexity of Vedic tradition.