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Story Of Lakshmana Killing Indrajit In Bengali Ramayana

The story of Lakshmana killing Indrajit, as recounted by the medieval Bengali poet Krittibas Ojha in his rendition of the Ramayana, presents a unique perspective compared to the Valmiki Ramayana.

In this version, the sages inform Rama that only someone who had not slept, eaten, or looked upon a woman's face for 14 years could defeat Indrajit. Rama, puzzled by this condition as he knew that both he and Lakshmana had slept and eaten during their exile, also questioned how Lakshmana could have avoided seeing Sita's face while they lived together.

To this inquiry, Lakshmana reveals his profound devotion and dedication. He explains that he stood vigil outside Rama and Sita's chamber, warding off sleep with his arrow whenever it threatened to overcome him. Additionally, although Rama instructed him to keep his share of fruits, he never explicitly commanded him to eat them. Thus, Lakshmana abstained from consuming any food during their exile. Furthermore, he asserts that he had only ever beheld Sita's feet, maintaining his vow of never looking directly at her face.

This narrative can be interpreted allegorically as a triumph over the senses and desires. Lakshmana's unwavering commitment to his duties symbolizes the mastery over temptation and attachment, reflecting a deeper spiritual theme. The ultimate victory in this tale lies not only in the defeat of Indrajit but also in the conquest of desires, leading towards the attainment of spiritual enlightenment.