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Dharmastikaya In Jainism

Dharmastikaya, within Jainism, occupies a significant place as the medium of motion. It is perceived as a fundamental aspect of the cosmos, characterized by its fixed, permanent, and formless nature. In Jain philosophy, the concept of Dharmastikaya extends beyond mere physical space; it encompasses the entirety of the universe, presenting it as a unified entity. This cosmic space is believed to facilitate and support the movement of both sentient beings (jivastikaya) and non-sentient matter (pudgalastikaya).

However, it's essential to note that Dharmastikaya does not initiate motion itself; rather, it provides a conducive environment for entities capable of movement. An analogy often employed is that of a fish swimming in water: the water does not cause the fish's motion but rather facilitates it. Similarly, Dharmastikaya aids jivastikaya and pudgalastikaya in their mobility, allowing them to navigate through the universe.

From a philosophical standpoint, Dharmastikaya is classified as an astikaya substance, primarily due to its composition of innumerable pradeshas, or spatial units. This vast expanse allows for unhindered penetration, signifying its permeable and accommodating nature. Consequently, everything within the cosmos can traverse Dharmastikaya without encountering any obstruction.

In summary, Dharmastikaya represents the medium through which motion occurs in the Jain understanding of the universe. Its intrinsic properties of permanence and formlessness underscore its role in facilitating the movement of beings and matter, thereby contributing to the dynamic nature of existence within Jain cosmology.