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Angaraka In Hinduism

In Hinduism, Angaraka is one of the nine planets. Known differently as Mangala, Kuja, Bhauma, Chevvai, Chowa and Mars, Angaraka is the first of the superior planets (i.e., those with orbits farther away from the Sun that that of the Earth.)

In astrology, Angaraka is described as the significator (i.e., planet governing) of brothers and sisters, desires, boldness, physical strength, adventures, hands, muscles, left ear, tongue, bladder, nose, bones, bone marrow, menstrual system, prostate gland, blood, fire, inflammable articles, items colored red, agriculture, war, political leadership, doctors, lawyers, military operations, revolutionaries, army camps, battlefield, oil wells, butchery, workshops, factories, fields, operation theaters and courts. A weak Angaraka is indicative of a timid and sickly nature.

Angaraka is the lord of the zodiac signs Mesha (Aries) and Vrischika (Scorpio). The planet would be in exaltation in Makara (Capricorn) and in depletion in Karka (Cancer). Aries is also its mulatrikona rashi.

Angaraka is a natural malefic, but is friendly with the sun, the moon and Jupiter; it is inimical to Mercury. Tuesday is the day of Angaraka and nine is its number; ruby and coral are its gems. Angaraka aspects the 4th, 7th and the 8th places from its location.

In the Vimsottari Dasha system, Angaraka is assigned a period of seven years associated with the nakshatras Mrigasira or Makayiram, Chitra and Sravishta or Dhanishta or Avittam.

In a horoscope, if Angaraka is located in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th from the janma lagna (ascendant) or rashi (position of the moon) or Venus, it is called Angaraka Dosha. This is taken into consideration at the time of fixing a marriage alliance; the couple should preferably have the same quantum of dosha.