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Jalarupa – Associated With Kamadeva

Jalarupa, also known as the "fish of desire," holds significance in Hindu religion as a symbol associated with Kamadeva, the god of love, desire, and attraction. In Hindu tradition, Kamadeva is often depicted carrying a bow made of sugarcane, with a string of honeybees, and his consort Rati, who symbolizes love's fulfillment.

The presence of Jalarupa on the banners or flags of Kamadeva serves as a visual representation of his association with water and desire. Fish are often associated with water bodies, which are symbols of fertility, abundance, and the flow of emotions. In this context, Jalarupa embodies the essence of desire and the fluidity of emotions that Kamadeva governs.

Furthermore, the inclusion of Jalarupa on the banners or flags of Kamadeva may also signify his presence and influence in various rituals, festivals, and ceremonies related to love, marriage, and fertility in Hindu culture. These symbols serve not only as representations of divine powers but also as reminders of the principles and values they embody, guiding devotees in their spiritual practices and daily lives.