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Five Arrows Of Manmatha – Names Of The Five Arrows Of Kamadeva

Kamadeva, the Hindu God of love, is also known as Manmatha as he came out of Brahma’s mind. He holds a flowery bow in his hand known as Pushpadhanva. He also has five arrows in his quiver. The names of the five arrows of Kamadeva are:
  1. Lambini
  2. Tapini
  3. Dravini
  4. Marini and
  5. Bodhini.

The five arrows are made of five flowers. They are:
  1. Lotus (aravinda)
  2. Ashoka
  3. Jasmine
  4. Nilotpala (blue lotus)
  5. Malayaja (sandalwood flower)
The job of the arrows is to entice passion and love. It is nature's secret of procreation and freshness.