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Greatness Of Govinda Name Of Bhagavan Vishnu

Govinda is one of the most important names of Bhagavan Vishnu. It is one among the 12 important names of Bhagavan and is found in the Vishnu Sahasranama. The greatness of Govinda name stems from the fact that it is one among the 14 names of Vishnu Bhagavan which are scripturally most sanctified and which are very often used for the most fundamental of all rituals and pujas, namely the Achamanam.

Govinda means the Bhagavan of the Cows. Go means cow. That is why Bhagavan is also called Gopala (the protector or sustainer of cows).

He is also Govinda because he rescued Go (Mother Earth) from demon Hiranyaksha who had carried it away.

Adi Sankaracharya chose this name of Bhagavan in the spiritually significant devotional poem Bhaja Govindam. The short 30 verses poem comprises the whole of Hindu philosophy and teachings.

The name Govinda occurs twice in the Vishnu Sahasranama.

Spiritual discourse by Vaishnavas especially on Puranas or Ramayana or Mahabharata is usually preceded by a chorus recitation of the name govinda, on the prompting of the speaker by the words: Sarvatra Govinda Nama Samkirtanam.

Pilgrims visiting the world famous Tirumala Tirupati Venkateshwara temple always chant the name Govinda. When pilgrims climb up the Seven Hills, they chant, ‘Govinda! Govinda!’. We can find the tag line, ‘Follow Dharma, Think of Govinda’ all over in Tirumala and Tirupati. The three vertical pious lines are popular as ‘Govinda Namalu’ (Govinda Lines). When Swami is taken out in a procession in the circumambulation streets of the temple, His name Govinda, Govinda, Gokula Nandana (one who is born in Gokul) Govinda will be renting the air.