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What to eat during Santoshi Mata Vrat?

Santoshi Mata Vrat is observed for 16 continuous Fridays and therefore it is known as Solah Shukravar Vrat. The fast is from sunrise to sunset. So what to eat during Santoshi Mata Vrat?

You Should Not Eat
  • Sour food (कट्टा)  should not be eaten on Fridays.
  • Acchar (अचार ) should not be eaten.
You Can Eat
  • You can eat Sabudana Khichadi (साबूदाना खिचड़ी ). 
  • Fruits which are not sour (कट्टा) . 
  • Milk (दुध) . 
  • Water.
Food to Break Santoshi Mata Vrat
  • The fast should be broken by eating roasted Chana ke dal (चना के दाल)  (horse gram) and jaggery (गुड़).
Santoshi Maa Katha – The Story of Santoshi Matha