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Mother of Bhishma Pitamaha in Mahabharata

Bhishma Pitamaha in Mahabharata is the grandsire who saw several generation of his family due to the boon that he can decide the time of his death. But who is the mother of Bhishma Pitamaha? Mother of Bhishma is Ganga – River Ganges.

Bhishma was the son of King Shantanu and Ganga.

Ganga who had taken away Bhishma after birth had returned him to Shantanu when he had attained adulthood.

Relationship Between Ganga And Bhishma In The Mahabharata

The relationship between Ganga and Bhishma in the Mahabharata is complex and rooted in both mythology and familial ties. Ganga, the goddess of the Ganges River, is also known as the mother of Bhishma.

According to the Mahabharata, Bhishma was born as Devavrata, the son of King Shantanu and Ganga. Shantanu fell in love with Ganga, who agreed to marry him on the condition that he would never question her actions. However, Ganga had a tragic past with a curse that led her to drown her own children soon after birth. When Devavrata was born, Ganga intended to drown him as well, but Shantanu intervened and pleaded with her not to. Ganga then took Devavrata and left, returning him to Shantanu only after he had grown into a young man. She revealed her true identity and departed, leaving Devavrata in Shantanu's care.

This incident deeply impacted Devavrata, who later came to be known as Bhishma, meaning "the one with the terrible oath." He made a vow of lifelong celibacy, dedicating himself to serving his father and ensuring the welfare of his family, the Kuru dynasty. Bhishma's devotion to his father and his selfless sacrifices throughout the Mahabharata epic are often attributed to his complex relationship with Ganga, his mother, and his commitment to his father's happiness.

While Ganga's role in the Mahabharata is relatively limited compared to Bhishma's, her actions and influence, particularly in Bhishma's early life, play a significant role in shaping his character and decisions throughout the epic. 
