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Showing posts from November 26, 2012

Goddess Gnanambika Symbolism – About Hindu Goddess Jnanambika

Goddess Gnanambika (or Jnanambika), an embodiment of Mother Goddess Shakti, represents the divine force of wisdom and enlightenment. Her association with Shiva signifies the harmonious union of masculine and feminine energies, essential for the realization of truth and transcendence of illusion. In the symbolism surrounding Goddess Gnanambika, her presence alongside Shiva highlights the inseparable relationship between knowledge and consciousness. Shiva, the supreme being, symbolizes pure awareness, while Gnanambika embodies the illuminating power of wisdom. Together, they guide devotees on the path of self-realization, aiding them in discerning the ultimate reality beyond the veil of Maya, or illusion. The worship of Goddess Gnanambika, particularly prevalent in South India and Tamil Nadu, underscores the cultural reverence for knowledge and learning in these regions. Many equate her with Goddess Saraswati, the Hindu deity of learning, arts, and wisdom, emphasizing her role as a b