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Showing posts from January 24, 2009

Qualities of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas – Sariraka Upanishad

Non-violence, truth, non-theft, continence and non-possession, absence of anger, service to elders, cleanliness, contentment and honesty, non-conceit, candor, faith and non-injury are the qualities of Sattva. I am the doer, enjoyer, speaker, am conceited these are the qualities of Rajas. Sleep, laziness, delusion, attachment, sex and theft are the qualities of Tamas. The person of Sattva is above, of Rajas is in the middle and of Tamas, low. Right knowledge is Sattvika; of rituals, Rajasa; blindness, Tamasa. Sariraka Upanishad Sattva (Purity, Harmony, Goodness):  Sattva represents qualities such as non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, self-restraint (continence), non-possessiveness, absence of anger, service to elders, cleanliness, contentment, honesty, non-conceit, candor, faith, and non-injury. Individuals dominated by Sattva tend to exhibit these virtues. They are characterized by clarity of mind, spiritual awareness, and a tendency towards cons