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Should We Trust Our Inner Voice? - Thoughts on Intuition by Hindu Blog

Many a times we were able to overcome an ugly situation by listening to our inner voice. We should always trust our intuition. Our inner voice will always be correct if we are honest and not prejudiced. It will be the best guiding force, if our mind is not corrupted by unwanted desires, anger, jealousy and greediness.

One aspect to be kept in mind is that we should not confuse between wishful desires and intuition.

Inner voice is a message from the supreme truth. But to receive it we need to achieve a state of mind. This state of mind can be achieved only by following the path of Dharma.

We need to develop a pure heart by removing the dust of ignorance. The deep dust of ignorance is hampering the reception.

It must also be remembered that the result of listening to the inner voice might not always be positive. So you need to be prepared to accept the decision of the Supreme Truth whole heartedly.

Through practice we can make intuition a constant companion. It will be a great friend on our path to self realization and liberation.

The concept of the inner voice as a message from the supreme truth is deeply rooted in various Hindu spiritual and philosophical traditions. It suggests that within each individual lies a connection to a higher wisdom or divine source, which communicates guidance, insights, and truths. This inner voice is often seen as a manifestation of one's higher self or the divine aspect within.

To access and understand this inner voice, individuals often need to achieve a certain state of mind characterized by clarity, peace, and receptivity. This state of mind is not easily attained and requires dedicated practice and adherence to certain principles, one of which is following the path of Dharma.

Dharma, a concept originating from Hinduism and also present in other spiritual traditions, encompasses various principles and duties that govern righteous living and moral conduct. Following the path of Dharma involves aligning one's actions, thoughts, and intentions with these principles, thereby fostering harmony within oneself and with the universe.

Developing a pure heart is essential in this process. The metaphorical "dust of ignorance" refers to the obstacles and impurities that obscure one's perception and hinder the reception of the inner voice. These obstacles may include negative emotions, attachments, ego-driven desires, and false beliefs. Removing this dust requires introspection, self-awareness, and a sincere commitment to personal growth and spiritual development.

By purifying the heart and mind, individuals can create the necessary conditions for receiving the guidance and wisdom of the inner voice. This process involves cultivating virtues such as compassion, humility, gratitude, and forgiveness, while also practicing disciplines such as meditation, prayer, and self-reflection.

Ultimately, by following the path of Dharma and striving to remove the dust of ignorance, individuals can attune themselves to the subtle whispers of the inner voice and gain access to profound insights, guidance, and truths that lead to spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment.
