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Bhava In Tantra – Three Types Of Temperament

According to Tantra Shastra, man and universe are divine manifestations, and God is the creator. The sadhaka (aspirant) disciplines himself according to his aptitude. The resultant mood or temperament is called bhava. There are three types of Bhava in Tantra – Pashubhava, Virabhava and Divyabhava.

Pashu Bhava – the term pashu comes from the root pash i.e., to bind. One who is bound by the pasha is said to be under the domination of pashubhava. There are eight pashas – daya (pity), moha (attachment), bhaya (fear), lajja (shame), ghrina (disgust), kula (family), shila (custom) and varna (caste).

The people under the domination of this bhava live primarily for themselves and serve their own selfish purposes.

Vira Bhava – those who adopt virabhava are under the dominance of rajoguna (the quality of passion). They are ambitious, energetic, egoistic, selfish and self-centered. They perform sadhana for their selfish personal purposes.

Divya Bhava – People who adopt this bhava are sattva bhava (pure in mind). They are thoughtful, unselfish and pious. They revere Vedas and Shastras, and are faithful to their guru and God.

With the help of sadhana (spiritual discipline) an aspirant can progress from pashubhava to divyabhava.