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Three Qualities To Look In An Advisor As Per Hinduism

In Hinduism, selecting an advisor is a matter of great importance, and there are specific qualities that such a person should embody to offer genuine and valuable guidance. Here are the three essential qualities an advisor should possess according to Hindu principles:

Avyaja Bandha (Unconditional Relationship): An advisor should offer help without expecting anything in return. This quality emphasizes a bond that does not arise from personal gain or specific reasons. The advisor’s intention should be purely to guide and support, not driven by ulterior motives. This kind of relationship ensures that the advice given is unbiased and genuinely in the best interest of the seeker.

Avishesha (Non-Discriminatory): An advisor must provide guidance without discrimination. This means offering advice impartially, whether the person seeking help is a friend or an enemy. This quality ensures that the advice is based on what is right and just, rather than on personal feelings or relationships. By maintaining neutrality, the advisor upholds the principle of fairness and justice, which is crucial for the integrity of the guidance provided.

Asesha (Comprehensive and Unreserved): An advisor must not be indifferent to wrongdoing and should immediately point out any errors or mistakes. This quality is about being thorough and unreserved in offering advice. It means that the advisor cares enough to correct and guide the seeker, regardless of their personal relationship. An advisor should not shy away from giving necessary criticism and should aim to help the seeker improve and avoid future mistakes.

Together, these qualities ensure that the advisor provides guidance that is selfless, impartial, and constructive, aligning with the ethical and moral principles found in Hindu teachings. This holistic approach to advising ensures the well-being and growth of the person seeking guidance.