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Anarchy In Ancient Hinduism – Arajaka Desha

Arajaka Desha is a country in anarchy resulting from the absence of a king as per ancient Hinduism writings. Ancient Hindu political thinkers, while discussing the complete absence of law or government, envisaged two conditions –

An ideal one, in which the need for a king was felt unnecessary, because, impelled by their innate virtuous disposition, the people by themselves, led happy and peaceful lives.

A chaotic one, in which, due to the absence of a king, a law of the jungle prevailed, resulting in total lawlessness.

Danda, the personification of governmental authority, is universally eulogized by Hindu authorities and its just, effective and timely employment by the king. The danda-dhara is held indispensable for the peace and prosperity of the people.

In a country where, due to the death or abdication of a ruler, danda ceases to operate, or where, due to the negligence and demerit of a ruler, danda is indiscreetly employed, a state of utter confusion is bound to prevail.

The Mahabharata and the Ramayana give very vivid pictures of such a state of arjakata, in which all social, economic and religious activities of the people are paralyzed and life and property become utterly insecure.