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Universe Has No Beginning Or An End - Hinduism Teaching

In Hinduism, the concept of the universe having no beginning or end is deeply rooted in its cosmology and philosophical teachings. This idea is encapsulated in the concept of “Anadi”, "Samsara" and "Brahman."

Anadi: In Hinduism, the concept of "Anādi" holds profound philosophical significance. "Anādi" is a Sanskrit term composed of two parts: "An" meaning "without" or "non" and "Ādi" meaning "beginning" or "origin." Thus, Anādi signifies that which is without beginning or without origin.

The notion of Anādi is often used in Hindu philosophy, particularly in Vedanta and certain branches of Tantra, to describe the ultimate reality or the absolute truth that transcends the boundaries of time, space, and causality. It points to the eternal and unmanifest aspect of the divine, which is beyond the comprehension of the human mind.

Anādi refers to the timeless, eternal nature of the ultimate reality, often equated with Brahman in Vedanta. Brahman is considered the unchanging, infinite reality from which the universe arises and into which it ultimately dissolves. As Anādi, Brahman exists beyond the limitations of time, existing prior to the creation of the cosmos and persisting even after its dissolution.

Anādi is also applied to the cyclic nature of creation, preservation, and dissolution of the universe. According to Hindu cosmology, the universe undergoes endless cycles of creation (Srishti), preservation (Sthiti), and dissolution (Pralaya). Anādi suggests that these cycles have no discernible beginning, and they continue infinitely.

Samsara: Hinduism posits the idea of an eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth known as Samsara. According to this belief, the universe undergoes an infinite number of cycles of creation, preservation, and dissolution, with each cycle lasting billions of years. This cyclical view of time suggests that there was no singular moment of creation and there will be no ultimate end; rather, existence is an ongoing process of flux and change.

Brahman: Central to Hindu philosophy is the concept of Brahman, the ultimate reality or cosmic consciousness that transcends all forms and phenomena. Brahman is considered to be eternal and unchanging, existing beyond the limitations of time and space. From the perspective of Brahman, the universe is not something that comes into being or ceases to exist; it is simply a manifestation of the divine, constantly undergoing cycles of manifestation and dissolution.

Puranas and Scriptures: Hindu scriptures, particularly the Puranas, contain cosmological narratives that describe the creation and destruction of the universe in cyclical terms. These texts depict the universe as being periodically created by the divine force, sustained for a certain duration, and eventually dissolved back into its primal state. This process is repeated infinitely, reflecting the eternal nature of existence.

Yugas: Hindu cosmology also incorporates the concept of Yugas, or cosmic ages, which are cyclical periods of time characterized by specific qualities and attributes. The four Yugas—Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga—form a cycle known as the "Yuga Cycle," which repeats indefinitely. This cyclical understanding of time further emphasizes the idea that the universe has no ultimate beginning or end.

Overall, Hinduism teaches that the universe is a manifestation of the divine and exists within an eternal cycle of creation, preservation, and dissolution. Within this framework, the concept of a definitive beginning or end to the universe is seen as irrelevant, as existence is understood to be timeless and boundless.