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How Bhagavan Sri Rama Got Rid Of People Of Ayodhya Who Wanted To Follow Him To Forest?

The departure of Bhagavan Sri Rama from Ayodhya for his 14-year exile was a deeply emotional moment for the people of the city, who were unable to bear the thought of being separated from their beloved prince. Despite Rama's efforts to dissuade them and redirect their love and loyalty towards his brother Bharatha, who had become the new king, the people remained steadfast in their desire to accompany Rama into the forest.

Witnessing the unwavering determination of the masses, Rama realized that simply asking them not to follow him was not enough. He understood that their love and devotion were genuine, but he also knew that their presence in the forest would only add to their suffering. Thus, he made a compassionate decision to alleviate their pain.

Rama chose to lead the people of Ayodhya towards the River Tamasa, which presented a natural barrier between them and the path to the forest. As they reached the banks of the river, Rama observed the people peacefully asleep under the trees, their trust and devotion evident even in their slumber.

Realizing that the people would not easily give up their intent to accompany him, Rama made a selfless choice. He instructed his brother Lakshmana to ensure that the people of Ayodhya did not suffer because of their attachment to him. Recognizing that their welfare was his responsibility, Rama decided to leave quietly before they woke up.

To execute his plan, Rama directed Sumantra, his trusted minister, to take the chariot north and retrace their steps. This strategic move was intended to confuse the people and buy them enough time to depart without causing them distress.

With a heavy yet determined heart, Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana boarded the chariot and swiftly departed, leaving behind the sleeping masses of Ayodhya. Though their departure may have caused temporary sadness, Rama's actions were driven by a profound sense of duty and compassion, ensuring that the people of Ayodhya would not endure unnecessary suffering because of their love for him.