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Ajita In Hinduism

Ajita is indeed a significant term in Hinduism with various connotations. Let's delve deeper into each aspect you mentioned:

Ajita as an aspect of Vishnu and Shiva: In Hinduism, Vishnu and Shiva are two of the major deities, often considered as the preserver and the destroyer respectively within the Hindu trinity, alongside Brahma, the creator. Ajita is one of the many names or aspects attributed to both Vishnu and Shiva, signifying their invincibility or unsurpassed nature.

Ajita in the Svarochisha Manvantara: According to Hindu cosmology, time is divided into cycles called Manvantaras, each presided over by a specific Manu. The Svarochisha Manvantara is one of these cycles. Within this cycle, Ajita is mentioned as an aspect or name of Vishnu, indicating his presence during that particular era.

Ajita as one of the seven rishis in the fourteenth manvantara: Rishis are revered sages in Hinduism who have attained profound spiritual knowledge through deep meditation and ascetic practices. Ajita is foretold to be one of the seven rishis who will be born in the fourteenth Manvantara, further emphasizing the enduring nature of divine beings across cosmic cycles.

Ajita as a minor deity, a Prithuka deva: In Hindu mythology, there are numerous minor deities or demigods who serve various functions in the cosmic order. Ajita is mentioned as one of these Prithuka devas, entities associated with the earth or earthly elements.

Meaning of the Sanskrit term 'ajita': In Sanskrit, 'ajita' translates to 'invincible' or 'unsurpassed', reflecting the divine qualities attributed to the deities bearing this name or aspect.

Overall, Ajita embodies the concept of divine invincibility and timeless presence within Hindu mythology and cosmology, appearing in various contexts as an aspect of major deities, a prophesied sage, and a minor deity.