Arul Nandi Sivacariyar was one of the three early expositors of Southern Shaivism. Meykandar and Maraijnana Sambander are the other two expositors. Arul Nandhi (also Arunandi and Arulnanti) was born in Thiruthuraiyur in and Adishaiva family. His date of birth is not exactly known, but a contemporary of Meykandar’s father, he may be taken to belong to the 12th or 13th century. Arul Nandhi was well versed in the Vedas and Agama literature and came to be known as sakalagama pandita (master of the Agamas). He was a celibate, dedicating his life to the teachings of the Vedas.
Though older than Meykander, Arul Nandhi accepted the former
as his preceptor. There was an incident in which Meykandar made him realize
that he was not yet free from egoism.
After Meykandar’s Sivajnanaboda, Arulnandi’s Sivagnana
Sittiyar is the next work of importance on Saiva doctrine. The work is written
in verse with two sections. The first is the Supakkam (true doctrine), which
follows the order of the sutras in his guru’s work. The second section is
Para-Pakkam, a critical discussion of fourteen rival systems, including
Buddhism and two of Jainism.
Another work of Arulnandi is Irupav-Iruipathu, which owes
its name to the alternate use of two meters in its twenty verses. It is in the
form of a dialogue between a teacher and his pupil.