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Taittiriya Aranyaka – What Is It About? – Contents

Taittiriya Aranyaka belongs to Taittiriya recension of Krishna Yajur Veda. It consists of ten prathakas which are known by the names of initial words of the prapathakas – Bhadra, Saha Vai, Cti, Yanjate, Deva Vai, Pare, Shiksha, Brahmavidya, Bhrigu and Narayaniya. Out of these ten pratathakas, three (VII-IX) constitute Taittiriya Upanishad and the last Prapathaka (X) constitutes Mahanarayaniya Upanishad.

The first prapathaka deals with upasana (worship) and significance of arunaketuka agni. The second prapathaka deals with svadhyaya (study) and pancha-mahayajnas (five great yajnas) – deva yajna (sacrifice to the gods), pitr-yajna (sacrifice to the fathers), bhuta yajna (sacrifice to the creatures), manushya yajna (sacrifice to the guests) and brahma yajna (sacrifice to the Brahman, i.e. study).

The third and fourth prapathakas contain mantras to be employed in caturhotraciti and pravargya homa. Many tantrika words like chindhi, bhindhi, khat, phat, jahi, etc., conspicuously occur in the fourth prapathaka.

The fifth prapathaka deals with the significance of yajnas.

The sixth prapathaka contains mantras related to pitr-medha.