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Surya Rescuing Draupadi From Keechaka In Mahabharata

The incident of Surya, the sun god in Hinduism, rescuing Draupadi from Keechaka in the Mahabharata is a notable episode that showcases divine intervention in Draupadi's time of distress. This story is part of Sarala Mahabharata from Odisha. Let's delve deeper into the key elements of this event:

This incident takes place during the thirteenth year of the Pandavas' exile, when they are living incognito in the court of King Virata. Draupadi, disguised as Sairandhri, serves as a maid to Queen Sudeshna.

Keechaka, the queen's brother, becomes infatuated with Draupadi upon seeing her and makes inappropriate advances towards her, despite her rejection.

Feeling helpless and threatened by Keechaka's persistence, Draupadi prays to Bhagavan Surya (the Sun god) for protection. This act symbolizes Draupadi's unwavering faith and reliance on divine intervention in her time of need.

Bhagavan Surya responds to Draupadi's prayers by sending a rakshasa to protect her invisibly. This divine intervention highlights the belief in Hindu tradition regarding the accessibility of gods and their willingness to aid their devotees.

Despite Draupadi's protests and warnings, Keechaka continues to pursue her. Queen Sudeshna, influenced by her brother's desires, indirectly aids Keechaka by sending Draupadi to him.

When Keechaka attempts to force himself upon Draupadi, the invisible rakshasa appointed by Surya strikes him down with a powerful blow, rendering him unconscious. This demonstrates the swift and decisive action taken by the divine force to safeguard Draupadi's honor and well-being.

The episode embodies various moral and ethical themes, including the consequences of lust and the power of faith and divine intervention. It also underscores Draupadi's resilience and determination to uphold her dignity despite facing adversity.

Overall, the story of Surya rescuing Draupadi from Keechaka serves as a significant narrative within the Odia Sarala Mahabharata, highlighting the complex interplay between human actions and divine intervention in the epic's overarching themes of righteousness, duty, and the cosmic order.