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Amaroli Mudra In Tantrism

Amaroli Mudra is a yogic practice practiced in certain forms of Tantra. It is a urine therapy that is believed to cleanse the inner organs of the body. Amari is a technical term in hatha yoga for urine. It is also called Sivambu (the water of Shiva) or candari (moon’s water).

Amaroli Mudra is one of a group of three techniques which are usually practice together. The other two techniques are vajroli mudra and sahajoli mudra. Vajroli mudra involves reversing the flow of semen at the time of sexual intercourse. Sahajoli mudra is a technique of mixing up the urine and ash of dried cow dung with water and smearing it over the forehead, eyes, shoulders, throat, chest and forearms, after a couple retires from the sexual act accompanied by vajroli mudra. The adept who practices vajroli mudra is advised to practice amaroli mudra also.

In amaroli mudra, while collecting urine for drinking, the first portion of the urine is not collected because it may contain excessive bile and salts. Similarly, the last portion of urine is also not taken, because it has very little useful constituents. The middle portion is collected for drinking. One is advised to drink it through the nose, so that one can have the advantages of cleansing action on the internal nasal passage too. This is according to the tantric ‘Khanda-kapalika’ sect.

It is said that by practicing vajroli and amaroli together, the adept can achieve the highest state of Yoga without having to forego sexual enjoyment, which is ordinarily considered antagonistic and detrimental to Yoga. But an adept practicing amaroli mudra can enjoy both yogic powers and sexual pleasure.