Usually, Tantric Literature is a dialogue between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lord Shiva adorns the role a teacher and Parvati that of a student. Tantric Literature begins with the creation of the world and ends with the end of the world or the next beginning. The Tantric texts usually contain different forms of worship, magic and related things, spiritual exercises, ways to worship a particular deity, thoughts on nature etc.
Tantric Literature falls under the category of ‘Agamas.’ Vedas are ‘Nigamas.’ Agamas concentrate on a particular aspect of God and in it practice of enjoyment is necessary for salvation. One of the striking aspects is that women were allowed to partake in all rituals.
In the initial phase, the literature was passed down mainly through oral rendering. Lord Shiva is Bhairava and Parvati is Bhairavi. Cremation grounds and burning of the corpses are part of rituals. Yoni puja and stree puja are mentioned in the literature.
Some of the important Tantric texts were written between 500 AD and 1200 AD. Guhyasamaya, Manjusir Moolakalpa, Rudrayamala, Brahmayamala are important Tantric works of this period and were written by Buddhist monks.