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Story Of Origin Of Yoga Vasistha

 The Yoga Vasistha is a profound philosophical text that delves into the teachings of non-dualism and its origin is embedded within the larger Indian epic, the Ramayana. Its origins trace back to the early second millennium, and its teachings are attributed to Sage Vasishtha. The text's narrative unfolds in the Bala Kanda, a crucial section of the Ramayana, when Sage Vishwamitra arrives.

Upon the sage's arrival, there is a noticeable change in Prince Rama's demeanor, causing concern among those around him. His attendant reports that Rama appears disinterested in all activities. In response, Sage Vishwamitra discerns that Rama's apparent despondence is not a result of attachment to worldly matters or challenging circumstances. Instead, it is rooted in a profound understanding of discrimination and detachment.

Recognizing the depth of Rama's contemplation, Vishwamitra decides that he must be brought in immediately to engage in a dialogue with Sage Vasishtha. This marks the beginning of the central dialogue in the Yoga Vasishtha, where Vasishtha imparts his spiritual wisdom to Rama. The ensuing conversation between the sage and the prince forms the core of the text, exploring themes of consciousness, existence, and the nature of reality.

Throughout the Yoga Vasishta, the teachings emphasize the path of non-dualism, known as Advaita Vedanta. This philosophy posits that ultimate reality is singular and indivisible, transcending distinctions between the self and the universe. The text serves as a guide for spiritual seekers, providing insights into the nature of the mind, the illusory nature of the world, and the pursuit of self-realization.

In essence, the Yoga Vasistha encapsulates profound spiritual teachings conveyed through the interaction between Sage Vasistha and Prince Rama within the context of the Ramayana, offering a timeless exploration of the philosophical underpinnings of existence and consciousness.