Bhusundi is the name of the immortal crow mentioned in the
Yoga Vasistha. The story of Bhushandi is also found in the Ramcharitmanas.
The secret of the life and death and universe is shared by Bhusundi to Sage
Vasishta and is found in the Yoga Vasistha.
Bhusundi resides on the Mount Meru
and at the time of the end of the universe, it merges with the Supreme Soul.
This form of merging is known as Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
During the next cycle of creation, it again reaches the Mount Meru and witness the events of the universe.
Bhushandi has witnessed numerous times the creation and
dissolution of the universe. It has witnessed the birth and death of suns and
It has witnessed the events of the world many times. It has
seen the churning of ocean several times.
Bhusundi also knows what will happen in future.
So what is the secret of Bhusundi? The divine bird is not
affected by external factors. It always remains in the present – not thinking
of past or future. It constantly remains in the Supreme Truth. It never wavers.
It is free of thoughts.
Bhusundi is a mute witness to the events taking place from
creation to dissolution.