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How To Perform Vastu Shanti For House?

When a new house is constructed, a series of Hindu religious ceremonies are conducted to usher in auspicious energies. Among these rituals, the practice of vastushanti or vastushamana holds significant importance. Here is a brief idea on how to perform Vastu Shanti for home.

Rice and barley grains are put into a pot of water. A piece of gold is also deposited into it. The homeowner then circumambulates the newly built house three times, sprinkling this consecrated water while reciting the Shantatiya hymn from the Rig Veda (7.35). This ritual is reiterated three more times, with a continuous pouring of water accompanied by the chanting of three additional mantras from the Rig Veda (10.9.1-3).

Following this preliminary phase, a homa, or fire ceremony, ensues, wherein clarified butter (ghee) is utilized, accompanied by the utterance of Rig Vedic mantras such as 'vastospate...' (8.17.14). This ceremonial fire acts as a purifying force, symbolizing the invocation of divine blessings for the harmonious existence within the newly established abode.

The concluding segment of the ritual involves the preparation of food, followed by the honorable act of serving and honoring impoverished individuals. This altruistic gesture emphasizes the significance of generosity and community welfare in the sanctification of the new dwelling.

Notably, some authorities recommend the periodic repetition of this ritual, suggesting options such as performing it monthly, seasonally, or annually. This cyclic reaffirmation serves to sustain the positive spiritual vibrations within the living space and reinforces the connection between the occupants and the divine forces that govern their well-being.