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Story Of Lanka In Ramayana

The story of Lanka in the Ramayana is a fascinating tale filled with mythology, divine beings, and epic battles. Here's a more detailed narrative of Lanka's history based on the Ramayana:

Lanka, the magnificent city that played a pivotal role in the epic Ramayana, was originally built by the demon king Mali. Mali, along with his brothers Malyavan and Sukesha, resided in this splendid city, which was crafted by the divine architect Vishvakarma. However, Mali's tyrannical behavior became a menace to the gods, leading to his demise at the hands of Bhagavan Vishnu.

Following Mali's death, the demons abandoned the city and sought refuge in the netherworld, known as Patala. The abandoned city then fell into the hands of Kubera, the king of the yakshas. However, this period of peace and prosperity was short-lived, as Ravana, Kubera's ambitious cousin, ousted him from Lanka and assumed control.

Ravana, with the assistance of his powerful brothers Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana, as well as his eldest son Meghanada (also known as Indrajit), transformed Lanka into a formidable kingdom. The city became a symbol of opulence, radiating dazzling splendor, and it thrived under Ravana's rule.

The citizens of Lanka were rakshasas, a race of powerful and formidable demons. However, their strength was matched by their ruthless nature. The rakshasas indulged in hedonistic pleasures, including drinking and even cannibalism. Lankini, a powerful demoness, served as the protectress of the city.

The pivotal moment in Lanka's fate occurred when Lord Rama, accompanied by his loyal allies, launched a quest to rescue his kidnapped wife Sita from the clutches of Ravana. Among Rama's allies was Hanuman, a devoted follower and the monkey god. In one of the most iconic episodes of the Ramayana, Hanuman confronted Lankini and defeated her.

Lankini, upon her defeat, prophesied the impending doom of Lanka. She declared that her time had come to an end, and the city would soon face destruction. This prophecy foreshadowed the epic battle that unfolded between Rama's forces and Ravana's army, ultimately leading to the downfall of Lanka.

The destruction of Lanka serves as a crucial episode in the Ramayana, symbolizing the triumph of righteousness (dharma) over evil (adharma) and the restoration of cosmic order.