There is a story connecting Bhagavan Sri Rama with Peralassery temple. Peralassery Temple, located in Kannur, is dedicated to Subramanya Swami. According to the Ramayana, during the Thretha Yuga, Lord Rama, accompanied by Lakshmana and Hanuman, sensed the presence of Lord Subramanya at this spot while searching for Sita. With approval from Lord Ayyappa, Rama decided to install the idol of Lord Subramanya here. Hanuman was sent north to find a suitable idol, but when he couldn't return in time, Rama consecrated the idol using his Peruvala (great bangle, a symbol of kingdom), giving rise to the name Peruvalassery, later contracted to Peralassery.
Later Hanuman tried to remove the bangle in order to
consecrate the idol, but could not do so as he was warned by a serpent.
The temple is renowned for snake worship, with hen's eggs
being the primary offerings. The annual Kodiyettam festival, a highlight,
usually takes place in December.