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Abhimanyu Samanta Singhara – Short Life History

Abhimanyu Samanta Singhara was an Odia poet of the 18th century CE. He hailed from the district of Cuttack, Odisha, where his ancestors ruled as local barons. He is said to have been born in 1757 CE. He was initiated into literature and writing by Sadananda Brahma, a well known poet. His works include Bidagdha Chintamani, Sulakshana, Prema Cintamani and Premakala among others. Bidagdha Chintamani, considered as Abhimanyu’s best poem, is based on the love of Radha and Krishna. Sulakshana deals with the love of Samba (Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s son) and Sulakshana (daughter of Duryodhana). His Cautisas and Jananas are songs invoking God. Abhimanyu followed the pattern set by the major poets of his time.

Tankadhara Nayak, a great Sanskrit scholar, was a close friend who had a decisive influence in shaping his poetic sensibilities.

He was married to Vimala Devi, daughter of a landlord of Kendrapara, at the early age of fourteen but she died young and this imparted a melancholy toe to his poetry.

Abhimanyu wanted to spend his last days at Vrindavan near Mathura. But he fell sick en route and could not reach Vrindavan. The family deity of Abhimanyu was brought to him and there he breathed his last in 1807 CE.

Abhimanyu was one of the important musician-poets in the tradition of Odissi music in the 18th century, composing mainly in the Chhanda style. He has also written many Odia folk songs like Bagha Gita (tiger song), Chadhei Gita (bird song).