Dreaming of salad is a good omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means you will change your food habits and include fresh produce. It also means getting diagnosed with a serious ailment and you will be forced to change your food habits. Dreams of eating lots of salad means you will experiment with food. It also means attempting to make pickles or trying to store vegetables in brine for some reason.
Dream of salad and they are colorful means change of luck.
It also means party or cooking something exotic to make someone happy.
Dreams of salad and it is all rotten or dirty means sudden
financial crisis. It also means tragedy and lack of help. It is also a sign
that you will be mentally weak.
Dreaming of salad in a strange place means you will have to
stay away from home. It also means not knowing what to eat in a new place.
Dream of salad and you see family members means peace at
home. It also means you will get time to relax.
Dreams of salad bowl falling down and breaking means carelessness
resulting in damage.