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Teachings From Vijnana Nauka Of Adi Shankaracharya

Vijnana Nauka of Adi Shankaracharya is based on the concept that we are God or Brahman and there is no second one here – param Brahma nityam tadeva aham asmi.

By cleaning our mind with meditation, sacrifice and charity, by becoming disenchanted with even king like positions, and by sacrificing everything, we attain that principle of the divine and perennial concept that we ourselves are Brahman or Supreme Truth.

Forever having the form of joy which is full of splendour, forsaking the world that we see which does not have definition, and which can be attained only by constant search and a state full of bliss, is the divine and perennial concept that we ourselves are Brahman.

By ignorance of this entire concept of the physical world, by the realization of Athma (soul), which leads to the loss of this concept, which is beyond mind and word, and also pure and fully free, is the divine and perennial concept that we ourselves are Brahman.

By the negative action of the words: not this, not this, that which shines entirely in those, who enter the state of Samadhi, that which is beyond the three states (sleep, dream and waking) and which does not have any second, is the divine and perennial concept that we ourselves are Brahman.

That due to its bits of bliss makes this world pleasant, that due to its splendor makes this world full of light, and that by whose thought this physical world becomes nothing, is the divine and perennial concept that we ourselves are Brahman.

That which is endless, divine and controls everything, that which is peaceful, alone and attainable through Om, and that which is formless, has great luster and no death, is the divine and perennial concept that we ourselves are Brahman.

That sea of bliss in which the seeker drowns himself, and that wonderful cause which forever makes it disappear, the ignorance which makes the physical world appear, is the divine and perennial concept that we ourselves are Brahman.