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Dreaming Of Lighting Diya In Temple – Meaning

Dreaming of lighting diya in temple is a good omen as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream is a sign of auspiciousness, birth, ceremony and success. It also means spirituality, pilgrimage and religious functions. Dreams of lighting diya in temple means there will be acceptance and new beginning. It also means fulfillment of desire.

Dreams of lighting diya in temple and you are seen crying means a tragedy or problem. You will seek divine intervention to solve it.

Dream of lighting diya in temple and you are not seen in the dream means you will face immense pressure to start something new. It also means you will be forced to abandon something you had worked on and start something else. It also means you will come under pressure in near future.

Dreaming of lighting diya in temple and you are happy means better luck, peace and prosperity. It also means desire fulfillment.

Dreams of lighting diya in temple and there are other people in the dream means you will abandon illegal activities. It also means honor and recognition. It also means auspicious function.