Veera Kali theyyam kolam is a powerful and ferocious theyyam performed during the annual theyyam thira kaliyattam festival in Kannur and Kasaragod districts of Kerala. As per information, this Goddess is an amsha avataram of Goddess Parvati. As per Veera Kali theyyam story, Goddess Parvati once got angry at Shiva Bhoothas and from her anger appeared a Goddess and this was Veera Kali. It is also believed that Puthiya Bhagavathi who was on a rampage after killing demons on earth was received by Goddess Veera Kali. Veera Kali Bhagavathi gave a place of worship to Goddess Puthiya Bhagavathi on her right side. Puthiya Bhagavathi theyyam and Veera Kali theyyam are performed together in numerous sacred places.
This theyyam is offered worship to overcome health issues and to defeat enemies. She blesses devotees with desire fulfillment, peace and prosperity.
This is a popular theyyam and can be witnessed in several
sacred places in Kannur region.