In Buddhism, Sakadagami is an aspirant who has entered the path of enlightenment. A Buddhist, because of his insight and sublimation of lower passions, is born once again and occupies places intermediary between brahmaloka and apayas (Visuddhimagga, Mahavyutpatti).
In Buddhism, there is a four-fold order of arya or arya-pudgala who enjoys the bliss of nirvana. This is found in one of the last discourses of Buddha to Subhadda, where he says, “In whatever dispensation, Subhadda, there exists the noble eightfold path, there also are to be found the first samana, the second samana, the third samana, the fourth samana. The samana is arya or arya-pudgala. The first samana is shrotapanna, the second is sakadagami, who will be reborn once; the third samana is anagami, never to be born; and the fourth samana is arahat, worthy in all respects. It is alleged that the path of freedom from the cycle of rebirths is not limited to men who have given up worldly ties. Anathapindaka, the banker of Sravasti who purchased land for Buddha’s sangha, became a srotapanna, the Sakdya Mahanama became a Sakadagami, the pitcher-maker ghatikara entered the realm of anagami and so did King Suddhadana of Arhat.
A Sakadagami can aspire for arahat in this very life by sublimating kamaraga (sense desires) and pratigha (ill will).