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Avittam Nakshatra Phalam 2023 Predictions Based On Malayalam Nakshatram Kerala Astrology

Avittam Nakshatra 2023 predictions are based on Malayalam Nakshatram or birth star Kerala astrology. As per Avittam nakshatram phalam 2023, people born in this nakshatra will see a secret being revealed. There will be relationship problems. Good months are February, April, June, August and October 2023. January, July, September and November 2023 are bad months. March, May and December 2023 will be stagnant period with not much gain.

Avittam nakshatra people will see lot of positives and some minor hiccups in 2023. Some outstanding issues at the workplace will be sorted out. There will be new job opportunities with extra income. Those in administration will appreciate your efforts. Those looking to achieve success will need to make a disciplined approach. Business people will be able to complete their new endeavor successfully. Some of you might join a new workplace. Those who are self employed or doing freelance will see good opportunities. Not a great year for those looking for a new job. Those wishing to migrate will see some positive developments. You will be lucky in government job related matters. Those looking to join a new job abroad will face delays.

An earlier savings will be of great help this year and it will be utilized for a good purpose. There will be success in speculation and other such finance related matters. Some of you will be investing in a new vehicle or replacing the old one. Need to be careful while dealing with money related matters. There is a high chance of loss of documents or valuable items. Some of you will be modifying your home. Children might cause financial damage.

Some of you will be taking up higher studies. Students will make good gains this year.

There will be journeys to spiritual places. Friends will be of great help. Spouse will be of great help especially in financial matters. You will meet old friends or colleagues. You will realize that you had done better in life and many of your friends.

There will some health trouble during the first quarter. You might be diagnosed for life style diseases. You will decide to adopt traditional medicines and food.

There will be some trouble for parents in this year.

Travels will be successful. You will decide to change your current residence and move to a new town

Marriage will be decided and held as per desire. Not a good year for those involved in a relationship or attempting love marriage. There will be delay in remarriage.