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Nityadosha in Hindu Astrology

Nityadosha are defects or shortcomings that always impede the success of an endeavor. In astrology, muhurta, (an auspicious time to commence an activity to attain success) is very important concept. For the determination of auspicious time, the relative position of the planets is determined. Certain combinations are best-suited for certain activities. This knowledge is documented in the works of astrology. They also enumerate inauspicious factors related to the external time (current movement) (gocara) on a number of counts – vara (day), tithi (the lunar day), nakshatra (asterism), dik (directions), kala (daily cyclic movement of the forces of Rahu and Ketu), lagna (moment of action), hora (hour), grahabalam (houses occupied by planets both benefic and malefic), candrabala (the power of moon), vedha (cross  influences of planets), the defects of Yoga and karana, masa (defects of season), position of subsidiary plants (like mandi/gulika), etc.

Some of these defects are of temporary nature in relation to certain activities. These defects are of daily occurrence and are also dynamic. Hence they are reckoned as nitya doshas (daily defects). The list of doshas to be avoided, the strength of each type of dosha for a given type of activity, the counterbalancing forces of guna’s, santi karma to be done in case the work has, of necessity, to be performed at a time when such defects do exist – are to be arrived at on the advice of the family priests and the traditional masters.