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Dreaming Of Gurudwara – Meaning

Dreaming of Gurudwara is a good sign as per dream meaning and interpretation. The dream means with attitude and behavior change you can win the favor of the gods. Dreams of Gurudwara means you will turn spiritual attend satsangs and participate in langar.

Dream of Gurudwara and you are happy means you will see peace. There will be change of luck and there will be gains in property and financial matters. 

Dreams of people praying in Gurudwara are a sign of emotional issues and you might need help from other people.

Dream of you seeing Gurudwara and are sad or angry or crying means you will soon question the value of god. It means you might face challenges in life and God will be no help to you. There will be no luck. The dream is asking you to mentally prepare for a crisis.

Dreams of Gurudwara and you see people crying or shouting or wearing black or white color dress means death of a person you know.

Dream of Gurudwara and colorful clothes means marriage or other functions in your life.

Dreaming of Gurudwara and if it involves blood and gore is considered bad. This means you will face sudden problems in life.