Uragas in Hinduism are synonymous with nagas or snakes. They have been translated as serpents. They are not quite snakes as they have semi-divine qualities and dwell in a separate nether region.
The uragas reside in the north and northwestern parts of ancient India as per the Mahabharata.
As per Mahabharata, Arjuna during Rajasuya Yagna of Yudhisthira had visited the Uragas and had got them to accept the invincibility of Yudhisthira. At this time, Uragas were ruled by Rochamana.
As per Puranas, Uragas were born from Kadru and Sage Kashyapa.
The word uraga is used for serpents and snakes in many Indian languages including Marathi, Sanskrit and Malayalam.
Legend has it that Uragas had gifted weapons to Arjuna during the exile period of Pandavas in the Mahabharata. It is said that Arjuna met Uragas when he was on his way to meet Indra.
It is believed that Uragas were a very popular and powerful tribe of ancient world. They could transform into serpents and back into human forms. It is also believed that they could the form of any reptiles. They were poisonous. Unlike nagas or serpents, there were no evil Uragas. All of them were divine and followed their dharma.
Unlike nagas, who are associated with treasure and wealth, Uragas are more known for their supernatural powers.
It is also believed that some of the Uragas followed Shiva. They also guarded the Kailash Mountain.
Uragas did not participate in the Mahabharata war. Therefore it is quite clear that they were divine beings.