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Padma Mudra Worn By Devotees Of Lord Vishnu

Padma mudra is the body markings worn by Lord Vishnu devotees. The body markings are applied with gopichandana or a ball of yellow clay. The clay is rubbed on the palm of the left hand with water to form a watery paste and then applied. The paste is applied curved or straight lines moving upwards (rarely downwards).

Padma mudra is worn one on the right side of the stomach, two at the center of the chest, on the right side of the chest, two on the right shoulder.

In total six mudras are associated with Padma mudra. The benefit of wearing it is that it enables a person to destroy fear.

Adopting mudra is not mere convention. These markings ward off sins and make a the devotee pure for subsequent rituals and meditations. The religious significance of mudras are explained in Krishnamrita Maharnava, Sadachara Smriti and Tantrasara (samagraha) of Madhvacharya.

Some mudras are only followed by the Madhwa school – followers of Madhvacharya.