Kali Yuga is the fourth and last of the four Yugas in
Hinduism. Current Kaliyuga year is 5126. It began on April 9, 2024. Kali Yuga
5126 began on April 9, 2024 as Hindu lunar calendar followed in most regions –
Chandra Mana New Year. It begins on April 14/15, 2024 as per Solar Calendar
followed in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Bengal – as per Saura Mana New
Kali Yuga started with the disappearance of Sri Krishna
from earth. Sri Krishna was not seen on the earth from the first day of Kali
The duration of Kali Yuga is 432,000 years.
Kali Yuga is believed to have started in 3102 BC.
Kali has numerous meanings – anger, suffering, grieve, hurt,
confound and confuse. We can find all these characteristics dominating the
earth currently.
The only way to attain moksha in Kaliyuga is by chanting the
name of God.
Virtue will have only on feet in Kali Yuga. This is the
symbolic representation of the decline in physical and moral stands with the
passage of each era.
Constant remembrance of the names of Gods and Goddesses is
the only means to get over the evils of Kali Yuga. This is stated in Bhagavad
Purana (XII, 3.46 – 52) (know more about the characteristics of Kali Yuga)